Expansion Joints
Vigorous research and development efforts have made Bachmann Dampjoint a world leader in sophisticated expansion joints. Abreast of the rapid pace of technological growth in the industry, Bachmann Dampjoint offers unbiased material selection, customized designs, the highest standards of manufacturing and thorough testing. Meeting a customer’s specific needs continues to be a trademark of Bachmann Dampjoint.
The company is prepared to respond to any combination of temperature, pressure, or media encountered.
Metallic bellows expansion joints are designed and manufactured in strict accordance with the following standards:
- ASME B31.1 & B31.3
- CSA B51
For non-metallic expansion joints, Bachmann Dampjoint is a long standing member and contributor to the Fluid Sealing Association (FSA) and adheres to the guidelines of the following standards:
- FSA Ducting Systems Technical Handbook
Metallic Expansion Joints
Bachmann Dampjoint manufactures high performance expansion joints in such materials as stainless steel, nickel, inconel, incoloy, hastelloy, titanium, monel, and other sophisticated alloys.
Bachmann Dampjoint manufactures high performance expansion joints in such materials as stainless steel, nickel, inconel, incoloy, hastelloy, titanium, monel, and other sophisticated alloys.
Non-Metallic Expansion Joints
High-temperature non-metallic expansion joints are used in flue and duct systems, and depending upon the specific operating conditions, are built up of a number of insulating thermal fabric layers with an external fluoroplastic cover.
High-temperature non-metallic expansion joints are used in flue and duct systems, and depending upon the specific operating conditions, are built up of a number of insulating thermal fabric layers with an external fluoroplastic cover.